10 Need To Knows For Your First Spin Class

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10 Need To Knows For Your First Spin Class10 Need To Knows For Your First Spin Class

It’s literally been over a decade since I qualified as an indoor cycling instructor, 10 years since I originally wrote this blog post and around 7 years since I took part in spin classes aka indoor cycling classes regularly.

I’m not sure what prompted me to follow through with leading indoor cycling classes, but it’s been on my radar and my vision board for a couple of years now. So I recently took the opportunity to re-qualify, get some teaching experience under my belt, and get on the podium!

Can ‘Cyclists’ Benefit From Indoor Cycling?

I’d once come across someone asking if indoor cycling classes would benefit them when cycling outdoors. To be honest, this is a valid question and some years ago, I honestly thought there was no value in indoor cycling for “actual” (lol) cyclists.

Back in 2014, when I got a bike for commuting to work, I was sure there was no point to me riding a bike indoors and taking part in spin classes. Why would I cycle to a studio, cycle on a stationary bike, and then cycle home?!

Then I decided to take on a duathlon and realised that my casual cycle commute was not gonna be enough to get me race ready. In that situation, it then made sense for me to add a spin class or two to my workout schedule in addition to cycle commuting.

Especially because when you’re commuting, you really don’t get to put in max efforts that will eventually help you build up your fitness. It’s more like “junk miles” when you’re doing too much of the same thing.

Tips For Your First Indoor Cycling (Spin) Class

Back in the day when I used to ride at boutiques spin studios, I’d get chatting to friends and for many of them, they’d be taking on their first ever spin class.

Even now, teaching regularly, the room is packed with new riders and returners, like myself.

It always gets me thinking back to my first spin class which was a very memorable session but pretty daunting. It does remind me to have some compassion for those who are completely new. Thankfully, I’d also say my whole vibe and beliefs when it comes to movement have evolved since my twenties too!

My first class was with my friend Lex. She’d been raving about the class and the instructor, telling me how good the music was. It really piqued my interest and eventually, I went along, knowing somewhat how hard it would be.

Lex had warned me that you work so hard you can feel sick and she wasn’t wrong. I vividly remember trying to recall the route from my bike to the toilets in a gym that I was not familiar with.

I made it to the end of the class though, and I clearly enjoyed it enough to get booked into an indoor cycling qualification. The biggest factor in that experience personally though was the instructor – which is something I always acknowledge to this day.

After that class, I asked friends about their experience, why they’d not done an indoor cycling class before, how their first time felt, and if they had any tips they wanted to share for first timers. This post is the result of all those chats and my personal experiences as a participant and instructor.

1. What To Wear To Your First Spin Class

If you’re a cyclist and used to cycling indoors you can keep it simple and dress your bottom half as if you were going for a ride; padded shorts, cycling shoes and chamois cream.

Otherwise, just go for a pair of form fitting (tight) leggings or shorts. That way, you won’t have any extra material flapping around during your workout.

A sports bra is still required (get some sports bra advice here); a medium impact one will do. And then finish your outfit off with a sweat wicking top as believe me, you will sweat.

When it comes to footwear, most studios have dual pedals with toe cages on one side so you can wear regular trainers and clips on the other side so you can use cleats by clipping into the pedal.

Some studios will provide cycling shoes free of charge, some will require you to pay and some just won’t offer them. You definitely get a more balanced and efficient workout when wearing cleats but may take some getting used to.

Don’t forget the usual gym stuff too – does the studio provide a towel for during class or showering afterwards? Do you need a padlock for the lockers?

2. Arrive In Good Time 

If you’re completely new to indoor cycling, I’d suggest you arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of the class to allow plenty of time to find your bike and get set up correctly (while the lights are still on).

It also means you start your session relaxed.

The most important adjustment is of the seat height. You can usually also adjust the handlebar height and distance from the seat. The instructor should be able to help you with this if you don’t know where to start.

3. The Seat Might Be Uncomfortable

If you cycle already you know that it takes a few rides before your nether regions acclimatise to the saddle.

It might just have you walking like a cowboy for a couple days at worst. But there are options available in the form of padded shorts, padded seat covers (here’s an option) or you can sit on a towel.

For outdoor cycling, you can use chamois cream, and this may well work for indoor cycling too.

4. Pace Yourself 

If you’re a runner, you’ll know all too well about pacing and the perils of going out too fast. Well, the same can be said for indoor cycling.

Learning to pace yourself allows you to sustain your effort levels for the duration of the class. Don’t give everything in the first track, but find a balance between pushing yourself and pacing yourself.

Usually the instructor will give you cues for when to push (increase resistance) and when to pull back but I always like to remind my riders that they’re in control of the resistance and how hard they work.

5. Manage Your Expectations  

A lot of my friends told me they didn’t really enjoy their first spin class. But they all also said to keep at it!

Most suggested it takes between 3-5 classes to fully adjust and get into a groove. Then, if it’s for you, you will really love it!

6. Hydrate Before, During And After Class 

I sweat so much in an indoor cycling class.

My typical daily goal is 2L, but when I have been active, I aim for an extra 500ml on top.

It’s super important to get your fluids in to be able to ‘perform’ at your best. It will help you to sustain your effort through class and then help you to recover afterwards.

And you don’t have to wait for the instructor to say “take a sip of your drink!” ….just drink when you need to.

I also add electrolytes to my water to replace lost salts through sweating, in addition to BCAAs to help with recovery.

7. You Are In Control

This point I want to reiterate and it kind of ties in with points 4 and 5. It’ll take a few rides to fully understand the resistance in relation to your effort levels.

The good thing is, you can reduce your resistance as easily as you can increase it so if it gets too hard, just pull back a little.

My friend Tash had this to say: “First session of spinning was an eye opener, not gonna lie I felt a little bit intimidated. I didn’t understand how everyone was cycling so fast until I found the little dial that puts the resistance up and down and mine was high!

My tip: you don’t always have to put your resistance up when the instructor tells you.


I kept stopping and that was because the resistance was too high for me. Get to a comfortable resistance; I think it’s better to do that and keep going rather then stopping and starting – you will build up your stamina.

Oh and beware of jelly legs when you get off the bike to avoid a Bridget Jones moment!”

8. Be Ready To Work Hard

When I went to my first class, I was fully informed but not everyone has a friend to fill them in (but that’s my job here today!).

Indoor cycling classes are intense, but again, you are in control. The studio I now teach at actually offers relaxed rides with reduced intensity and less of the dramatic lights, which are a great way to get acquainted with the concept.

A ride class can include anything; hills, sprints, be seated, standing, use choreography or small weights for the arms. Your instructor will run through things like hand positions before the start of class or during your warm up but don’t worry if you forget.

Keep an eye on your instructor and follow what they do as best you can.

The music will be loud (unless it’s a relaxed ride) which tbh, helps you ride to the beat in a rhythm class and get immersed in the workout.

Tash says: “Its a tough session, don’t go into it thinking you are going for a lovely cycle ride cos you aren’t! It’s hardcore legs, abs and shoulder work. Not forgetting your poor butt (the seats can be uncomfortable!) but once the adrenaline starts pumping you feel great!”

9. The Instructor Makes The Class

After each of my rides, I always like to tell anyone new to indoor cycling to try out as many classes and instructors as they can. Each instructor will have the own vibe – music choices, style of teaching etc – and this is a huge factor in how much you enjoy a class.

Neil from @Velocity_Cycle says – “It’s the instructor who makes or breaks an indoor cycle class. Anyone can be a DJ on a bike, not everyone can instruct”

So if one instructor doesn’t work for you …try a different one.

10. You Will Survive Your First Spin Class

Seriously, you will! The discomfort of the seat, not knowing how to set up the bike and how hard it might feel is only temporary. You will finish the class on a high having forgotten the moments that you felt like you couldn’t give any more, but you did!

So what’s stopping you now?! Scared you won’t like it or you won’t be able to do it?! Simple – take a friend along for moral support. There is nothing quite like having someone to glance at when the going gets tough!

Got any tips to add for first timers?!

What was your very first experience of spinning like?


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