Seasonal Glamping: Maximizing Profits Year-Round

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Sometimes, there are seasons that don’t do as well as others when it comes to profits in the glamping industry. However, it doesn’t have to be that way if you’re prepared.

We’ve talked with hundreds of glamping destination owners and campground hosts about how they maximize their profits all year, and here’s some of the best ways to keep the cash flowing all year.

Embracing each season’s charm.

Every season has something to offer your guests if you capitalize on it. 

This is different for different regions, but the concept is the same across the board.

  • Winter Wonderland. Don’t let the cold months freeze your profits. Equip your glamping units with insulated tents and cozy heating solutions like wood stoves, and offer winter-themed activities like snowshoeing or cozy outdoor fire pits. Think about creating a winter wonderland experience that entices guests seeking a unique snowy retreat.
  • Spring Blossoms. Spring is all about renewal. Offer nature walks, bird-watching tours, and photography workshops to engage guests with the blooming environment. This is also a great time to introduce wellness retreats or yoga classes in the midst of nature’s awakening. 
  • Summer Sunshine. Summer is the peak season for glamping. Focus on family-friendly activities, outdoor concerts, and water-based adventures like kayaking or paddle boarding. Ensure your site has ample shade, bug-proof tents, and maybe even some air-conditioning units for those hot summer nights.
  • Autumn Escapes. Capture the essence of autumn with its vibrant colors and crisp air. Organize harvest-themed events, guided hikes to see the foliage, and evening storytelling sessions around the fire. Consider offering a “glamping gourmet” experience with seasonal produce.
Winter Glamping Tent in Idaho

Those are some ideas to get you started with catering to the seasons to bring in more revenue when you otherwise may have had a slower period.

Innovative marketing strategies.

So now you have some ideas to make the most of the seasons, but how do you get it out to the masses? After all, if nobody knows about your destination, even if you make it absolutely perfect, they’ll never come.

  • Leverage social media. Showcase your glamping site across social media platforms. Regularly update your followers with stunning images of your site in different seasons, guest testimonials, and upcoming events.
  • Email marketing. Keep your past and potential guests informed with seasonal newsletters. Include special offers and last-minute deals, and highlight the unique aspects of each season at your site. You should be collecting emails all year long.
  • Collaborate with influencers. Partner with travel influencers who can authentically represent the seasonal appeal of your site to their followers. Influencers aren’t necessarily impacted by seasonalities, so you can tap into their audience for each season.

There are, of course, some traditional marketing methods, but these are a great start if you’re looking for some ideas.

Enhancing guest experience.

Beautiful and Rustic Glamping ExperienceBeautiful and Rustic Glamping Experience

It’s always about the guest experience in the camping and glamping industries. Some hosts lose site of this but don’t. 

Make the most of it.

  • Customizable packages. Offer seasonal packages that can be tailored to guest preferences. Include add-ons like a romantic setup for couples, adventure gear for thrill-seekers, or nature exploration kits for families. Have your packages tailored to the season, then market that.
  • Exceptional service. Train your staff to provide impeccable service. A friendly and helpful team can make a significant difference in guest satisfaction and repeat visits. This is true all year long.
  • Feedback loop. Always seek feedback from your guests. This invaluable information can help you make necessary adjustments to enhance your experience in the future. Take this a step further: if they have positive things to say, encourage a review on Google or Yelp.

Your guests are what keep the lights on. Maybe not all of them are pleasant, but all of them are paying. So keep them happy and keep them returning.

Sustainability practices.

Some guests want to see what your glampsite or campground does beyond just providing lodging. This is a great area to excel in and is relatively simple.

  • Eco-friendly operations. Implement sustainable practices like solar power, rainwater harvesting, and compost toilets. This not only reduces your carbon footprint but also appeals to eco-conscious guests.
  • Community involvement. Engage with the local community. Source locally for your camp’s needs and involve local artisans or guides for guest experiences. On top of that, you can network with local businesses to promote each others’ businesses.

Ready to maximize your glamping destination’s profits?

Transforming your glamping business into a year-round profitable venture requires embracing each season’s unique offerings, innovative marketing, exceptional guest services, and a commitment to sustainability. 

By following these actionable tips, you can create an unforgettable experience for your guests regardless of the season while also boosting your bottom line.

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