The Campsite — Using a Watch to Find North: The watch method for…

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Using a Watch to Find North: The watch method for navigation is useful for finding the cardinal directions of: north, south, east and west. While not being 100 percent accurate, it is handy for crude navigation when a compass is not available and can head you in the correct general direction in camping, bushcraft, backpacking and survival situations. It is also useful in combination with other natural navigation methods found in this link and other resources.

If Located in the Northern Hemisphere:
Align a twig (pointing up) at the edge of your watch so that it casts a shadow onto the face of the watch from the Sun.
Rotate the watch until the twig’s shadow (the Sun) is cast directly onto the hour hand.
The halfway point between the hour hand and the 12-oclock mark is your North-South line. Note that during Daylight Saving Time (or Summer Time), your watch is most likely one hour “off” from the “real” time. If this is the case, substitute 1 o’clock for 12 o’clock before finding your North-South line.
The halfway imaginary line will point to South
If only a digital clock is available, draw an analog/dial clock (with the correct time) on paper or in the dirt.

If Located in the Southern Hemisphere:
Align a twig (pointing up) at the edge of your watch so that it casts a shadow onto the face of the watch from the Sun.
Rotate the watch until the twig’s shadow (the Sun) is cast directly onto the 12-oclock mark.
The halfway point between 12-oclock and the hour hand is your North-South line. Note that during Daylight Saving Time (or Summer Time), your watch is most likely one hour “off” from the “real” time. If this is the case, substitute 1 o’clock for 12 o’clock before finding your North-South line.
The halfway imaginary line will point to North.
If only a digital clock is available, draw an analog/dial clock (with the correct time) on paper or in the dirt.

[Reference Link]

Related Resources:
Survival Navigation – Find Your Way Out

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